Employers' Feedback 2024-25

Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth "Deemed to be University", Karad is proud to see that our student is now a part of your team.

Under the guidance of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), we are constantly striving to enhance the quality of outcomes. Inter-professional collaboration at the workplace is an important quality outcome for us.

We would like to have your feedback regarding our students with respect to their knowledge and clinical competence within your team, their professional skills, teamwork, leadership and other such abilities. Your valuable time will help direct necessary changes in the development and delivery of our curriculum.


  1. Please read the questionnaire and details carefully before choosing an appropriate response
  2. You can only proceed further to the next section and cannot go back/edit your responses. Please check your responses carefully before submitting.
  3. Previous Academic Years' Feedback Analyses & Action Taken Reports are available at - https://kvv.edu.in/feedback/

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You can ONLY PROCEED further to the next section and CANNOT GO BACK / EDIT your responses. Please CHECK your responses carefully BEFORE SUBMITTING.

Thank you for verifying your personal details. Now you shall proceed to the ANONYMOUS feedback section.

A random code has been generated in your name when you submitted your personal data and this code will help ensure anonymity of your response. A snapshot of few such dummy feedback responses have been attached below for your reference.

There are 10 objective questions and 1 additional section for suggestions.

Please click PROCEED to move ahead to the ANONYMOUS FEEDBACK page.

You can ONLY PROCEED further to the next section and CANNOT GO BACK / EDIT your responses. Please CHECK your responses carefully BEFORE SUBMITTING.


Q.1 -

How do you rate the employee’s general communication skills?


Q.2 -

How do you rate the employee’s overall management skills?

For example, time management, resource management, delegation skills and organizational skills


Q.3 -

How do you rate the employee in having sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the core and basic concept of her/his/their specialty?


Q.4 -

How do you rate the employee’s overall leadership skills?

For example, independent thinking, problem solving and clinical decision-making abilities


Q.5 -

How do you rate the employee’s ability in the application of ethical principles in professional and social context?


Q.6 -

How do you rate the employee’s knowledge and skill in recent advances in her/his/their own specialty?

Q.7 -

How do you rate the employee’s ability to contribute to the goal / upliftment of the work place?


Q.8 -

How do you rate the overall performance of the employee?


Q.9 -

