The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) guides institutions towards achieving excellence and quality in education. Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Karad (KVV) has recently been awarded A+ grade.
We believe our success is a reflection of your success! An extremely important tenet of excellence is utilizing feedback from the stakeholders - that is you.
Please help us improve the quality of education we provide by filling out the feedback form given below.
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A random code has been generated in your name when you submitted your personal data and this code will help ensure anonymity of your response. A snapshot of few such dummy feedback responses have been attached below for your reference.
There are 10 objective questions along with references to give you an overview of the context and 1 additional section for suggestions.
Please click PROCEED to move ahead to the ANONYMOUS FEEDBACK page.
How do you rate the overall curriculum for UG/PG courses offered by the institute?
REFERENCE: Please rate based on overall quality, content, relevance, and execution of syllabus included in the curriculum of your respective faculty/department. Curriculum details of all faculties are available at -
How do you rate the institute’s policy in integrating cross-cutting issues into the UG/PG curriculum?
REFERENCE: Please rate based on the curricular integration of aspects like gender equality, environment & sustainability, human values, and professional ethics in your respective faculty/department -
How do you rate the curriculum design for UG/PG with respect to inclusion of community extension and outreach activities?
REFERENCE: Please rate based on the overall curricular inclusion of community service/projects with NGOs, participation in awareness campaigns, exhibitions on socially relevant issues, etc. in your respective faculty/department.
How do you rate the institute’s policy of curricular revision/change according to the local and global needs of the society?
REFERENCE: Please rate based on the recent Board of Studies, College Council & Academic Council meeting proceedings with respect to your faculty/department.
Curricular revision summary – Click here
How do you rate the academic flexibility embedded in the curriculum which provides opportunity to students to pursue their interest by choosing from several electives?
REFERENCE: If your specialty’s Central Government Body doesn’t allow electives, kindly rate based on your knowledge/experience with other faculties of the institute – Click here
How do you rate the involvement of institute in various national health programs?
REFERENCE: Please rate based on the organization of health promotional activities in the form Information / Education / Communication for patients, thematic quiz / debates / cultural activities, etc. for students with respect to your / other faculty / department
How do you rate the institute for organizing various co-curricular academic activities?
REFERENCE: Co-curricular activities are outside but complement the curriculum, like for example, seminars, guest lectures, workshops, etc. Please rate based on the overall number and quality of such activities with respect to your faculty/department
How do you rate the institute for encouraging student related extra-curricular activities?
REFERENCE: Extra-curricular activities are outside and not tied to curriculum, like for example, sports and cultural activities. Please rate based on the overall number and quality of such activities with respect to your faculty/department
How do you rate the institute’s research cell initiated activities?
REFERENCE: Please rate based on the number of activities for staff/students, functioning of Ethics & Protocol committee, and quality of research guidance.
How do you rate the institute’s implementation of capability enhancement and other skill development schemes?
REFERENCE: Please rate based on the number and quality of initiatives for acquiring soft skills, organizing education technology & bioethics workshops, wellness activities, etc.
PLEASE NOTE: Kindly restrict your comments to curricular, co-curricular and/or extra-curricular activities ONLY.