Students' Feedback 2024-25

The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) guides institutions towards achieving excellence and quality in education.

Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth "Deemed to be University", Karad (KVV) has recently been awarded A+ grade. We believe our success is a reflection of your success! An extremely important tenet of excellence is utilizing feedback from the stakeholders - that is you.

Please help us improve the quality of education we provide by filling out the feedback form given below.


  1. Please read the questionnaire and details carefully before choosing an appropriate response
  2. You can only proceed further to the next section and cannot go back/edit your responses. Please check your responses carefully before submitting
  3. For your reference, curriculum details of all faculties are available at –
  4. Previous Academic Year’s Feedback Analysis & Action Taken Reports are available at -

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You can ONLY PROCEED further to the next section and CANNOT GO BACK / EDIT your responses. Please CHECK your responses carefully BEFORE SUBMITTING.

Thank you for verifying your personal details. Now you shall proceed to the ANONYMOUS feedback section.

A random code has been generated in your name when you submitted your personal data and this code will help ensure anonymity of your response. A snapshot of few such dummy feedback responses have been attached below for your reference.

There are 19 objective questions along with references to give you an overview of the context and 1 additional section for suggestions.

  1. Reference links will open in new tab or get downloaded depending on your device browser settings
  2. The reference links reflect the state of initiation/implementation of various curricular/co-curricular/extra-curricular activities from the Academic Year 22-23 onwards and hence may not truly reflect the present state of affairs.
  3. Few reference links include documents directly uploaded to NAAC website and you may face difficulty opening them. These links, being external, are not under our control. Inconvenience is regretted.

Please click PROCEED to move ahead to the ANONYMOUS FEEDBACK page.

You can ONLY PROCEED further to the next section and CANNOT GO BACK / EDIT your responses. Please CHECK your responses carefully BEFORE SUBMITTING.


Q.1 -

How do you rate the course curriculum in relation to the achievement of desired competencies?

REFERENCE: Curriculum details of all faculties are available at -


Q.2 -

How do you rate the institutional policy of curricular revision/change according to the local and global needs of the society?

REFERENCE: Curricular revision summary – Click here


Q.3 -

How do you rate the institute’s practice of starting new academic programmes (courses) according to the local and global needs of the society?

REFERENCE: Programme details available at - Click here


Q.4 -

How do you rate the institute in terms of provisions for acquiring AETCOM (Attitude, Ethics, and Communication) skills?


  1. Professional Development Click here
  2. Cross cutting issues of Gender Sensitivity, Human Values, Environment & Sustainability -
  3. Value added courses – Click here
  4. Institutional efforts to sensitize values, rights, duties and responsibilities -

Q.5 -

How do you rate the curriculum design for inclusion of field/industrial visits?



Q.6 -

How do you rate the social equity and inclusiveness in the profile of students enrolled in the University?


  1. List of Students from Other States / Countries – Click here
  2. International Student Cell -
  3. Institutional efforts in providing an inclusive environment -

Q.7 -

How do you rate the overall implementation of innovative teaching learning methods?

REFERENCE: List of student centric innovative teaching learning methods -


Q.8 -

How do you rate the information communication technology (ICT) mediated e-learning facilities provided by the institute?


  1. New ICT-enabled tools -
  2. E-content repository -

Q.9 -

How do you rate the mentorship program in your institute?


  1. List of Mentors & Mentees – Click here
  2. Logbook of Mentees – Click here

Q.10 -

How do you rate the overall assessment (evaluation) methods used in the institute?

REFERENCE: Please rate based on the formative and summative assessment methods and quality. 

  1. Assessment Methods -
  2. Examination Reforms -

Q.11 -

How is the overall research guidance provided by the institute?


  1. Workshop & Seminars -

Q.12 -

How do you rate the institute’s initiative in organizing community-based learning through extension and outreach activities?

REFERENCE: Please rate based on the overall number and quality of community service / projects with NGOs, participation in awareness campaigns, exhibitions on socially relevant issues, etc. in your respective faculty/department.

  1. List of programmes – Click here
  2. Awards & recognition – Click here
  3. Community based learning – Click here

Q.13 -

How do you rate the institute for the availability and adequacy of physical infrastructure for better learning outcomes in your designated course?

REFERENCE: For example, classrooms, demonstration rooms, practical halls, etc. 

  1. Teaching Learning & Skill Acquisition facilities -
  2. Clinical, equipment and laboratory facilities -
  3. Clinical skills lab – Click here

Q.14 -

How do you rate the institute for encouraging student related extra-curricular activities?

REFERENCE: Extra-curricular activities are outside and not tied to curriculum, like for example, sports and cultural activities. Please rate based on the ease of organizing such activities with respect to your faculty/department.

  1. Facilities -
  2. Student Council activities -
  3. Events Organized -
  4. Full list of Activities -

Q.15 -

How do you rate the library facilities provided by the institute?


  2. Central Library Web OPAC (Accessible via KVV Intranet) -

Q.16 -

How do you rate the institute for organizing various co-curricular academic activities?

REFERENCE: Co-curricular activities are outside but complement the curriculum, like for example, seminars, guest lectures, workshops, etc. Please rate based on the overall number and quality of such activities with respect to your faculty/department.

Capability Enhancement and Skill Development Programmes -


Q.17 -

How do you rate the institute’s efforts in context to guidance for competitive exams and career advancement?

REFERENCE: Click here


Q.18 -

How do you rate the grievance redressal mechanism of the institute?


  1. Exam related complaints / grievance – Click here
  2. Students’ Grievance Portal -
  3. Helpline -
  4. Anti-ragging Policy -
  5. Anti-sexual harassment policy –
  6. Anti-caste discrimination policy -

Q.19 -

How do you rate the institute’s efforts in context to placement?

REFERENCE: List of students self-employed / placed - Click here


Q.20 -


Please Note: Kindly restrict your suggestions to curricular, co-curricular and/or extra-curricular activities only
